Storytelling as part of a communicative approach in teaching English to young learners

  • Чернышева Анна Сергеевна

    Anna S. Chernysheva. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. Studying a foreign language is closely related to studying peculiarities of the country's culture and folklore. However, fairy-tales and stories represent not only a social and cultural part of a language, but are a widely used pedagogical method. Such a method is known as “sto-
rytelling” which derives from the English words “story” and “tell”. It is most frequently used when teaching young schoolchildren as being appropriate for their age. The article attempts to analyse the effec-tiveness of storytelling in teaching English to learners of this age group. The
paper offers criteria for choosing a story and considers the ways of applying the storytelling method within the communica-tive approach that assumes certain lesson structure. The object of the research is a communicative approach in teaching foreign languages, and the subject of the
research is the storytelling method in teaching young schoolchildren. The results of pedagogical xperiments given in the article have proved storytelling to be an effective method of language teaching.
Keywords: teaching English, young learners, storytelling, communicative approach.